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CS 413


IT3Y2-3 Tuesday 730am to 1030am TAM 305B
IT3Y2-2 Tuesday 430pm to 0730pm TAM 505

Our Lady of Fatima University

College of Computer Studies

Professor: Dr. Raymond Macatangga


===Highlights of this Course===

Increasing attention has been focused on the technology of computer software. As computer systems become more and more complex and pervasively engrained in modern society, the need for systematic approaches to software development and software maintenance becomes increasingly apparent. This will study a collection of methods which embody an "engineering" approach to the development of computer software.

===Course Description and Objectives ===

Software Engineering is the field of study concerned with this emerging technology. It deals with the process of analyzing, designing, implementing, and maintaining software systems that people will use.

As such, it incorporates many ideas from engineering management and computer science. To improve the production of reliable and cost-effective software, a course in software is essential to guide you in the correct approach to software development.

This course focuses on heuristics and "best practices" that have proved useful in making this process rigorous, systematic, repeatable, and manageable.

This course is designed to equip the students with the different techniques and tools in software engineering. At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Analyze a system's problems and offer alternative solutions;
2. Apply software engineering tools in the different stages;
3. Transform a systems design into a form that can be implemented by a programmer, and;
4. Implement, test and validate a systems design.

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Last modified 20 Nov 2013 7:55 AM by Dr. Raymond M.