Presentation Papers


Here are two papers published in the journal Neuron that you guys need to choose from to present to the class next month.

Consolidation of Fear Extinction Requires NMDA Receptor-Dependent Bursting in the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex

NEW PAPER!!!!!! Leptor Receptor Signaling in Midbrain Dopamine Neurons Regulates Feeding

OLD PAPER!!!! pay no attention! --->Glutamate Receptors on Dopamine Neurons Control the Persistence of Cocaine Seeking

So I regret to say that due to overlap in the research of the Neuron papers between TAs, we are not allowed to present a paper that investigates the interactions between dopamine and cocaine. It is a bummer because this is what your research in the Cooper lab is concerned with. It turns out that the above paper talking about glutamate, dopamine, and cocaine is almost identical to a paper that Lisa's group is looking at. In fact, they were published in the same issue of Neuron and the page numbers were back to back. Since she found that paper a considerable amount of time before I found the above one, we unfortunately cannot use that one. However, I have found another paper that investigates the role of dopamine cells and a neuropeptide called Leptin in the primary reinforcing actions of feeding. It is not as exciting as cocaine, but it tackles a motivational concept that is much more inborn than exogenous drugs, the intrinsic motivation our brains have to acquire food and survive. Please read this one and the first one above and post your votes on the feed.

Since nobody's emails are posted, I cannot facilitate you guys chatting with each other to make a unanimous decision. So just post your preference on this webpage on the announcements thread, and we will figure out a time to all meet up and prepare. We could meet as soon as next week as long as everyone participates, reads the papers, and votes.

You guys need to pick one of these papers and then we will divide up the figures/panels amongst you all. You need to prepare a powerpoint presentation of the paper that lasts 45 minutes. You should prepare a 10 minute introduction and then describe the methods used in the paper and then describe the Figures. You will take turns presenting. You will give a summary of the paper and state its significance for the field of Neuroscience. You should touch on the strengths and limitations of the approach the authors took to answer the question. You should also offer alternative approaches that could have been used. I want to emphasize that each of you must contribute equally to the presentation. You will NOT have to submit a written document so you will be graded on the presentation quality and the clarity of how the paper is presented. You will receive both an individual score and a group score weighted equally. Dr. Cooper has an example of a video from last year of a group presentation that you can watch for inspiration if you like. Attendance at all the group presentations is mandatory. We will arrange a time to meet before the presentation to help organize it and polish it.

One of the two papers needs to chosen by Oct 23rd.

This is going to be fun!!!

Last modified 31 Oct 2011 10:17 AM by Matt P.