Neuropharmacology NRSC 4132

Neuropharmacology is the study of drugs and their interaction with the brain to alter cellular function at a molecular level. The material covered by this course includes: principles of drug-receptor interactions; dose-response curves; drug mechanisms of action; drugs as tools to achieve knowledge of cell macromolecule structure and function and discovery of new drugs since this topic is being transformed by new developments in Neuroscience.



  • Each week new content will be available such as new videos, self-assessment questions, flashcards, reading assignments etc. Please check regularly for new content and flash extra credit opportunities. The Assignments link in the sidebar will give you your assignment for the week, the point value and the estimated time to complete the assignment. In addition to the Assignments, starting in week two you will have a new Blog entry requirement. Please post in the course blog site and copy your post and paste it in your student journal (my journal) with the date and topic.

Instructor: Don Cooper, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Co-Director of the Neuroscience Undergraduate Program
University of Colorado, Boulder
Institute for Behavioral Genetics

Tim Koeltzow Ph.D Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Bradley University

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