Question: What is the format of the course? Answer: The course is online. Video lectures, textbook, blog posts and self-assessments are all online.
Question: How will we be graded? Answer: About half of the grade is from exams and the other half is from a combination of participation in blog posts and self-assessments. The grade distribution in the past has been mostly A and B. No + or - are given. Extra Credit opportunities will be available. It is expected that this class will take about 6 hours of your time/week
Question: What is the format of the the exams and how are they proctored? Answer: The exams are multiple choice, True or False, or Fill in the Blank. There are three options to take the exam: 1) Online using Buff Brains Real-Time Connect. This is a screen share utility that uses your computer's webcam to allow you to take your exam anywhere. 2) Proctored via Continuing Education or a local institution's testing center. 3) Proctored at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics (IBG) RL-4 Atrium (Address 1480 30th St Boulder, CO) from 11-1PM on test dates.
Question: Are there Teaching Assistants for the class? Answer: Yes Colin Olivier graduate student in the Cooper Laboratory: email
Question: What happens if the web site goes down and I can't access the course material to turn in an assignment? Answer: Periodically (usually late at night on Friday) the servers go down to update the site. This can cause several hours of downtime where you will not be able to access the website. I suggest completing the assignment before the last minute just in case. Go to this site to see if the site is down Is that site down?
Question: How secure is the site and our grades? Answer: To ensure the privacy of sensitive user data such as passwords, e-mails, grades and exams, CourseStreet uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) with 256-bit encryption (128-bit fallback depending on browswer compatibility) when transmitting this information.Nfomedia Inc is SLL certified by DigiCert. Only the TAs Dr. Cooper and Dr. Leverich have access to the grades.
Question: What if I don't have a Facebook account? Answer: An important component of the class is to participate in neuroethics discussions and post interesting Neuroscience related material in a social network.
Question: Why are the videos streaming so slowly? Answer: Your internet connection may be going slow you can test it here at this website. Speedtest Your download speeds should be close to 20Mb/S. For a more detailed free diagnostic try Pingtest
Question: The coursestreet site seems down how do I test whether the site is not up? Answer: Go to this site to see if the site is down Is that site down?
Question: The animations aren't working. Answer: Make sure you have the most updated browser Google Chrome works well. Make sure you have updated your Adobe Flash Player and Java.
Question: I can't see the link on the side bar for the videos or assignments what is wrong? Answer: This some material on this site is password protected and you need to log in to see all the content and see your grades and upload assignments. To log in you need to use the same password you signed up with and type in the password.
Question: TeamViewer is asking me for a partner ID. What is that? Answer: When you are ready to connect to another computer for recitation you will need to get your partner computers number and enter it in the space. Likewise if you have your exam proctored online you will provide your ID number and the passcode to your TA or instructor and they will be able to connect to your desktop.
Question:When is the drop/add deadline and the withdrawal deadline for the course? Answer: Please check the Continuing Education website table for dropping and adding classes