Inca Trail Private Tour - All Inclusive
Enjoy an exclusive tour designed according to your preferences: The Private Tour of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is the best way to fully experience the most fantastic trek we have in Peru. We follow the regular routes as group tours do. Customize your trip according to your needs, preferences, and speed. Walk with an elite team comprised of porters, chefs, and tour guides just for the people in your group. This trek is ideal for couples, families with children, or a group of friends.
There are three primary goals for this course:
- First goal -- first goal paragraph.
- Second goal -- second goal paragraph.
- Third goal -- third goal paragraph.
The required text for this course is Textbook Name, Textbook Author, ETC.
This course revolves around a series of UNITS.
We will cover a total of 11 units -- each of which is followed by in-class exercises to enhance your level of understanding.
Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.??Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:
Grading Scale:
97% -
100% of total points
94% -
96% of total points
90% -
93% of total points
87% -
89% of total points
84% -
86% of total points
80% -
83% of total points
77% -
79% of total points
70% -
76% of total points
67% -
69% of total points
60% -
66% of total points
60% of total points