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Course Goals

The participants of this course will be:- able to have a base knowledge about the spirit of Canossian service in the world as Servant- Leader in the place where they belong: at home, campus and office ( whole world)

- to live their identity with canossian spirit without any condition and to be a good witnesses of God?s love for humanity.

- to know well Canossian Congregation that present in the whole world.

- to keep growing their faith in God and to make Jesus Known and loved as St. Magdalene desire for.


Maddalena di Canossa ? La carit? ? un fuoco

Canossa ? Modesto Giacon (warna hitam dan putih)

Course Work

This course revolves around of 16 meetings (in Classroom)

Syllabus of this course will be able here

Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.??Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale: 97% - 100% of total points A+
94% - 96% of total points A
90% - 93% of total points A-
87% - 89% of total points B+
84% - 86% of total points B
80% - 83% of total points B-
77% - 79% of total points C+
70% - 76% of total points C
67% - 69% of total points D+
60% - 66% of total points D
Below 60% of total points F
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