September 28, 2011
We're pleased to announce to Prosite administrators that we've added two configuration choices when creating Exams.
First and most importantly, we've added the ability for students to answer questions in any order (moving forward or backward) when taking the exam.
Question sequence
Option 1: Forward & Backward - Questions may be skipped and answered in any order
Option 2: Forward Only - Each question must be answered before moving to the next
"Option 2" is the old method for taking exams.
Second, we've added ability to display the exam score on the student's My Exam page (apart from also displaying the entire exam, question by question).
Display score--Display the exam score on the student's My Exams page
Option 1: Never
Option 2: Once grades are recorded
Option 3: Immediatlye after finishing exams
Both new configuration choices appear on the first step when creating exams.
September 20, 2011
Did you know that all of your "data" is also available at the website is a "carbon copy" Web-application of (owned by Nfomedia), which has existed online for more than one year. The features on Coursestreet match the features on Nfomedia identically. Furthermore, we would like to inform everyone that both and will be maintained equally and continue to run as parallel websites in the future.
September 9, 2011
We're pleased to announce that 'Content Import' is now available to course administrators under the Settings page. To our Prosite subscribers, 'Import Question Banks' is also available. Thanks to our users who reported issues with Import in the past. Those problems are now fixed.
August 22, 2011
Now administrators can easily display course statistics on any content page using the dashboard widget (including homepage). The dashboard shows classmate count, announcement count, Blog entry and comment count, and topics and message count. Administrators can enable Dashboard using the command below.
Dashboard - Syntax
Dashboard - Web View

February 2, 2011
We're pleased to announce to our Prosite subscribers the option to edit course icons in place of the default university icons. For those instructors with multiple courses, this is particularly useful, helping with quick identification of feed events from each course. You can change the course icon on the 'Course Title and Description' section of the 'Course Settings' page.
February 4, 2010
Today we're pleased to announce support for Facebook Connect allowing users to link their Facebook account to their Nfomedia account. By connecting your Facebook account, you will be able to log in at Nfomedia quickly using the "Connect with Facebook" button. Also, a link to your Facebook profile will appear on your Nfomedia profile. You can expect more features to come from Nfomedia enabling sharing your identity from other social networks with your classmate/colleagues (i.e. Facebook, Twitter).
October 25, 2009
Sometimes the information on a content page justifies Full Screen mode (i.e. hide the menus and increase the width of content area). This can be accomplished by using a new editor command. Simply enter the following command anywhere on a page to enable Full Screen mode (NOTE: works on any page EXCEPT the home page):
Full Screen - Syntax
Full Screen - Web View
You can read more about how to enable Full Screen mode in the Help Center at the link below.
August 27, 2009
Today we're announcing the Prosite Professor License which includes up to 10 course sites for a single administrator for one year. The cost is $350, which might be attractive to those faculty teaching full-time including summer. You can purchase Prosite Professor License in the Nfomedia store:
If you have already purchased single site licenses for the Fall semester and want to purchase Prosite Professor for the year, please contact us to apply those payments toward the new license.
August 20, 2009
We've added the ability to include dynamic course information within content pages using Content Widgets. Inserting a widget is a simple editing command. Currently widgets include "Recent Announcements", "Course Feed", and "User Welcome". You can read more about how to add widgets in the Help Center at the link below.
July 15, 2009
We would like notify administrators that starting August 1 Student Journals will be part of the Prosite feature set. This underscores our commitment to providing Prosite to those faculty who require to instruct extensive/full online courses. Our free version will otherwise remain the same. You can read more about the Prosite vs. Global feature comparison at the Web page below.
Prosite vs. Global (free version)
Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
July 3, 2009
Big thanks to Lorena Suarez for creating 12 new themes available to our Prosite subscribers (a few previews shown above). Also at this time, we're please to announce 1-month free of Prosite to all administrators. You can activate the free trial via the upgrade page on each course ? this only takes a few clicks. We'd also like to send a warm thanks to those already subscribing, which in turn supports the product.
May 19, 2009
Nfomedia is now on Twitter. So if you're a Twitter user and have a question/comment/suggestion, send us a Tweet!
March 5, 2009
Nfomedia is pleased to announce its new 'Feed' feature which provides you with up-to-the-minute information on all course changes including changes to blog, announcements, message board, gradebook, journals, exams, etc. Please look for the 'feed' link on the top left menu bar. You can also subscribe to course feed using an RSS or Atom reader by clicking the links at the bottom of the page.
January 6, 2009
We're pleased to announce Nfomedia for the iPhone offering quick access to areas such as Grades, Blogs, Nfo Mail, and Message Boards (more areas to come). Just go to and iPhone will automaticallly detect mobile Nfomedia. You can expect support for other mobile devices very soon (e.g. Blackberry).
November 25, 2008
We've added two graphic displays to the course grade book (viewable only by a course administrator). The first represents a ranking of grade averages from highest to lowest and color coded by letter grade (A, B, C, D, F). The second is a distribution of grades (color coded by letter grade).