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September 23, 2007

Red Flag

The Russian Revoultion has been thought of as one of the most influential, but not successful, revolutions in the twentieth century. It was not a pleasant time period for the people living in Russia. They were very oppressed, and unable to live the way they pleased or participate in the activities they wanted to. Every aspect of their lives were ruled by their Tsar, Lenin and his party, the Bolsheviks. The people of Russia, especially the peasants and working class, felt they were working for equality and justice for their lives in the future, and that they were special and needed to spread communism to the rest of the world.These people wanted to believe that in the future they would be able to enjoy equality and justice in their lives if they joined in as communist, and that is how so many people joined in the communist mission. The goal of the Russian Revolution was for industrializatin of Russia, but the problem with this goal is that the people participating in making this goal come true; was that it was at the people of Russia's expense,sometimes meaning death. This revolution in Russia could have transformed all of world society, but in Russia it was lead by ruthless leaders who caused much harm to the people of Russia. In Red Flag, we are able to see real life stories of people who experienced Communism first hand. We can see through them how they wanted to believe that Communism was going to make their dreams come true in the future for themselves and their families, but how instead it turned their lives upside down and into a scary, sad nightmare that no one will forget.
Posted by      Ryan W. at 9:11 PM CDT


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