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December 17, 2007

Lost Peace

I agree with my classmate Ryan Williams when he said that Lost Peace focuses on the hopes and dreams of World War One. I also believe that the President of the United States of America had a lot of stress on his head. World War I would present the Presidency with two new problems. Woodrow Wilson slogan would see change. America would enter World War I that year. However, President Wilson knew that he would have to first fight to win the hearts and minds of the American people. Wilson was aware that without the support of the American people, he could not enter the war. He knew the American people would have to be convinced that it was necessary for the United States enter a war so far away. He would have to stir their emotions to gain their support. Wilson was in addition faced the problem of how to finance the war effort. The Secretary of the Treasury, William McAdoo was given the task of finding a way to offset the cost of the war. McAdoo decided the best way would be to sell War Bonds that would mature in thirty years, but the bonds would channel money into the hands of the government immediately.
Posted by      Martel J. at 2:56 PM CST


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