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September 30, 2007

Lost Peace

Lost Peace focuses on the hopes and dreams of the people after World War I. These people who had to go through this terrible time really thought this would be the last of all wars. Although there was a great attitude of optimism when the war ended, there was also a big amount of disillusionment after the war due to all the post war settlements. A huge thing for people to face after the war was over was all those people that were left behind and did not survive through the war. At the Versailles Peace Conference of 1919, American President Woodrow Wilson held out a promise to the "silent masses of mankind," of a "people's peace" -- a peace made secure by the new League of Nations and the achievement of universal disarmament. This gave many people the hope a new and better life, and to work toward the peaceful resolution of all future and potential international conflicts. Many new nations were able to experience a great new life of having freedom, while Germany went backwards and found themselves crippled by hyper-inflation. The United States did not join in on the League of Nations, they were not very concerned with the dealings of other countries at that time. In other countries, facisism and militarism were on the rise.No one, even the veterans of the first World War thought they would have to go back into war, but sure enough fifty five million people were about to lose their lives in World War II. So, yet again there was a sense of "lost peace" for many, many people living to deal with the second world war, and all the post traumatic effects of it afterwards; just as many had to deal with from WWI.
Posted by      Ryan W. at 10:27 PM CDT


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