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July 25, 2021

Analysis of the footballbettingguide website-expert opinion

The footballbettingguide portal is positioned on the betting theme in Kenya. On this portal, you can find reviews of bookmakers and their bonuses, read sports news. The site was founded in 2018. It is purely informational, there are no forecasts for sports on it. In the "Contacts" section, you can find the address, as well as the mail for communication. We will tell you about betting sites in Kenya in more detail.


The site has a calm, discreet design. It doesn't look very modern. However, the important information here stands out very well. The main colors of the site are white, blue and black.

All the most important information of the site is located right in front of your eyes. In addition to verbal identification, the sections have drawings so that you can quickly find the right one. And in general, the entire area of the screen is used usefully: content in the center + advertising from bookmakers in Kenya on the edges.


A lot has been done for the convenience of moving and surfing on the site. For example, when you hover over the buttons with the main sections, drop-down menus open, you can find the necessary information in one click. On the main page of the site in the upper part on the right there are buttons to go to the desired section: when you click on a specific button, you go to the desired part of the main page of the site. There are also a lot of arrows and buttons on the site that simplify navigation. Lifting up is carried out using the corresponding button, which is implemented in the form of a rocket â?? an original solution. Important information on the site is clearly visible, so the navigation is perfectly organized.


At the very top of the site there is a website logo and a search on it. Moreover, the search is very original: when you hover over the window, the top search queries on the site appear, which makes it easier for some visitors to search for the necessary information. Just below and at the top are the main sections of the site and its pages in social networks, which, by the way, are 6. Below in the center of the screen you can find a brief preview of its main features, as well as advertising the best bonuses from bookmakers. Below is a news block and reviews of bookmakers in Kenya. At the very bottom of the site, you can see a site map and minimal information about the site. Narrow areas on the right and left of the site are occupied by advertising a bookmaker in Kenya.

The site has a convenient navigation. With the help of special buttons, you can quickly move around the site up and down.


The main focus on the site is on reviews of bookmakers and their bonuses. The reviews are quite good: almost all the most important features are highlighted, the materials are accompanied by a large number of screenshots. In addition to reviews on the site, you can find all the biggest bonuses of BC, as well as subscribe to bonus news: be aware of the appearance of new bonus offers in top bookmakers.
The section with sports news is of interest, there is a sorting by type. However, there is not much news, there are literally 2-3 news every day: the most significant events from the world of sports.

Pros and cons

Let's name the main pros and cons of the site in our opinion.


Good coverage of the bonus offers of the best bookmakers in Kenya, there is an opportunity to subscribe to bonuses.
Fairly detailed reviews of the BC.
There are contacts for contacting the site administration on various issues.
The sports news section provides good information: very high-quality photos in high resolution, highlighting important information.
Excellent site navigation, usability, drop-down menus.


There are too few sports news on the site (maximum 3-4 per day).
In addition to BC reviews, their bonuses and sports news, there is no other information on the site, which is why the circle of visitors who will be interested in it is quite narrow. In particular, there are not enough forecasts for sports, usually this section is present in such sites.


The site has a simple and convenient design, it does not look particularly modern, but it is very convenient to use. In terms of information stuffing, it is not too remarkable: all the main sections are not implemented at the highest level and need to be finalized. However, given the young age of the site (it appeared in 2018), there is reason to believe that it will still add and develop. In the meantime, the only target audience is visitors who are interested in bookmaker reviews and their bonus offers. It is better to read sports news somewhere else, because there are very few of them on the site and you can miss important events from the world of sports.

Posted by      Henry B. at 8:37 AM CDT
Tags: betting, game, money


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