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July 29, 2022

Hoe krijg ik mijn geld terug van het online casino ?

Als u snel geld wilt verdienen, kunnen online casino's de oplossing zijn. Er zijn veel spellen om uit te kiezen bij online casino omdat het een van de meest gerenommeerde en bekende in de industrie is. Hoe komt u dan aan uw geld? Hoe u geld opneemt van een online casino, ziet u hieronder.

Er zijn een paar dingen te overwegen bij het aanvragen van een opname van een online casino. De eerste is dat u moet voldoen aan alle inzetvereisten die er kunnen zijn. Deze criteria zullen variëren van casino tot casino, maar ze zullen meestal het plaatsen van een minimum inzet of het spelen voor een minimale lengte van tijd inhouden. Nadat u aan deze vereisten heeft voldaan, kunt u een uitbetalingsverzoek indienen.

Promoties en extraatjes

Uitstekende bonussen mobiel casino en incentives worden voortdurend aangeboden aan consumenten door casino! Voor meer details, zie hun website. Als u een aanzienlijke winst heeft behaald in het casino, wilt u uw geld zo snel mogelijk kunnen opnemen. Helaas maken veel online casino's het moeilijk voor gokkers om hun winsten te krijgen. Het kan zijn dat u door een hoop hoepels moet gaan of lang moet wachten om uw geld te krijgen. Het casino bij is uniek. Uw jackpots zijn makkelijk en snel te innen. Visa, Mastercard, Bitcoin, Neteller, Skrill, en andere betaalmethodes zijn slechts een paar van de opties die wij aanbieden. Bovendien kunt u een lid van onze klantenservice bereiken wanneer u maar wilt, 24 uur per dag, 7 dagen per week. Waarom blijven we dan wachten? Nu meteen, speel bij Casino!

Casino's op mobiel die geen stortingen vragen

 Casino is een fantastisch mobiel casino dat geen geld nodig heeft om te spelen. Ze bieden een uitstekende klantenservice en een enorme selectie aan spellen. Je spelervaring zal altijd uitstekend zijn omdat ze ook op de hoogte zijn van de meest recente ontwikkelingen in mobiele technologie. Als gevolg hiervan, als u een geweldige mobiele spelervaring wilt hebben, is het casino uw beste keuze. In het mobiele casino, kunt u kiezen uit een enorme selectie van spellen. Wij bieden alles voor degenen die genieten van slots, tafels, en live dealers. Ons mobiele casino biedt zowel Engelse als Franse versies, zodat u kunt spelen in de taal van uw voorkeur. Dus waarom niet meteen aan de slag? Direct spelen bij Casino!

Methoden voor het toevoegen van geld aan een account en het opnemen ervan

Je kunt geld toevoegen aan en opnemen van je casino account via een paar verschillende methodes. Het is mogelijk om bankoverschrijvingen, credit- en debitcards, maar ook e-wallets zoals Skrill en Neteller te gebruiken. Met de prepaid kaart aanpak, kunt u stortingen en opnames doen zonder het vrijgeven van uw prive-financiële informatie.

  • Creditcards, debetkaarten, elektronische portemonnees, prepaid kaarten, bankoverschrijvingen en cheques zijn slechts een paar van de eenvoudige en veilige manieren waarop spelers geld kunnen storten.

  • Met uitzondering van bankoverschrijvingen en cheques, die niet zijn toegestaan, zijn de meeste opnamemogelijkheden beschikbaar.

  • Opnames met een creditcard zijn waarschijnlijk de snelste methode, gevolgd door opnames via eWallets en Debetkaarten.

Spelers hebben toegang tot een selectie van cryptocurrency casino's van over de hele wereld. Casino bonussen zijn niet specifiek geregeld door enige wetten, hoewel u informatie kunt vinden over specifieke tactieken op de website van elk casino.


Wij bieden inzetlimieten aan bij Casino om spelers van alle rangen en standen tegemoet te komen. Het maakt niet uit hoeveel geld u te besteden heeft, wij hebben een limiet die voor u zal werken. Dus ga erheen en speel meteen in ons casino! Met een grote selectie aan spellen, is het online casino een van de meest gerenommeerde en betrouwbare inrichtingen in de sector. Hoe neemt u uw geld op van een website als 's casino? Hoe u uw verdiensten van een website kunt opnemen, vindt u hieronder.

Posted by      Henry B. at 6:11 AM CDT
Tags: game, money

July 25, 2021

Strong SNUS

Strong what is the strongest snus is a smokeless tobacco product that is fundamentally different from most other products sold around the world. The strength of snus depends on the amount of nicotine per 1 gram â?? the same as in cigarettes. The higher its content, the stronger the taste when used and the faster, more pronounced the effect. However, unlike smoky tobacco, which you need to smoke, powerful snus do not contain resins and therefore are absolutely harmless to the health of the smoker, they do not cause a cough.

What is a powerful snus?

What is the strongest snusstrongest snus is the result of decades of research and successful implementation of ideas. This research led to a unique manufacturing process and products, as well as scientific factual reports, unique in the world of tobacco products.

The basis of this quality standard is the need for maximum permissible limits for some undesirable ingredients. These components are found in nature and, therefore, exist in some plant species, such as tobacco. Scientists have noted that some of these components pose a potential health hazard if they have too high a concentration. The limit values for these specific substances should never be exceeded. The existing quality standard affects which strong snus is strong, and which has a mild taste.

The toughest snus in the world:

· Odenâ??s Cold Extreme White Dry;

· KURWA bubble gum;

· Corvus brutal 7.

The strongest nicotine snus in the world is made from selected tobacco, water, salt and flavorings, according to recipes dating back to the 19th century. The product is pasteurized, that is, it is subjected to heat treatment, as required by food standards. After consumption, you do not need to spit it out, as is necessary when chewing tobacco and as you can see in old cowboy movies. After use, dispose of the remainder together with household waste.

What is the difference between chewing tobacco and snus? Snus producers also produce chewing tobacco varieties for the European market, at the same factories, from the same raw materials, according to the same recipes. The only difference is that in the production of chewing gum, tobacco leaves are cut, and not crushed, as in snus. This makes the tobacco mixture somewhat rough. If you can't choose which snus is the strongest, pay attention to the amount of tobacco indicated on the package, the higher the figure, the stronger it is.

Features of the tobacco-free snus

Chewing snus without tobacco was also invented in Sweden at the request of tobacco consumers to get an affordable product. Workers and farmers appreciated chewing tobacco because it was cheap, and their hands were free to work. However, initially the product tended to crumble during processing. A simple solution to this problem was to grind it into a powder, mix it with water to facilitate processing, and finally,

add salt for preservation and flavorings for taste. Almost in this composition, it has remained to this day.

Basically, the snus has not changed much since then, the original ingredients have remained the same: tobacco, water and salt. But the production process has become much more complex. In addition, manufacturers who make snus without tobacco, spare no effort to find and use the best raw materials. Now it is not difficult to bring raw materials from anywhere in the world to prepare an excellent base for chewing vegetable tobacco-free snus.

A revolutionary and innovative feature of snus without nicotine is that instead of tobacco, it contains vegetable fiber. The composition of cellulose varies from different manufacturers, and each company, of course, keeps the recipe a secret. Strictly speaking, this is the same component that is used for the production of natural substitutes for many products. Manufacturers use, for example, plant fibers from northern coniferous trees or eucalyptus. White dry powder can be flavored and varied in different proportions with natural nicotine obtained from tobacco.

For almost 200 years, it has not been particularly popular among the middle and upper classes. The gentlemen were still smoking fancy tobacco. Then, by the end of the 60s, due to the growing awareness of the dangers of smoking, chewing mixtures without tobacco became an increasingly acceptable alternative. It was only in the early 1990s that snus was widely accepted and appreciated. Meanwhile, it is more common than cigarettes in Europe, which have practically disappeared from public life.

Posted by      Henry B. at 1:07 PM CDT
Tags: game, money
  ryan jack  says:
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Posted on Fri, 20 Aug 2021 1:04 PM CDT by ryan j.

Analysis of the footballbettingguide website-expert opinion

The footballbettingguide portal is positioned on the betting theme in Kenya. On this portal, you can find reviews of bookmakers and their bonuses, read sports news. The site was founded in 2018. It is purely informational, there are no forecasts for sports on it. In the "Contacts" section, you can find the address, as well as the mail for communication. We will tell you about betting sites in Kenya in more detail.


The site has a calm, discreet design. It doesn't look very modern. However, the important information here stands out very well. The main colors of the site are white, blue and black.

All the most important information of the site is located right in front of your eyes. In addition to verbal identification, the sections have drawings so that you can quickly find the right one. And in general, the entire area of the screen is used usefully: content in the center + advertising from bookmakers in Kenya on the edges.


A lot has been done for the convenience of moving and surfing on the site. For example, when you hover over the buttons with the main sections, drop-down menus open, you can find the necessary information in one click. On the main page of the site in the upper part on the right there are buttons to go to the desired section: when you click on a specific button, you go to the desired part of the main page of the site. There are also a lot of arrows and buttons on the site that simplify navigation. Lifting up is carried out using the corresponding button, which is implemented in the form of a rocket â?? an original solution. Important information on the site is clearly visible, so the navigation is perfectly organized.


At the very top of the site there is a website logo and a search on it. Moreover, the search is very original: when you hover over the window, the top search queries on the site appear, which makes it easier for some visitors to search for the necessary information. Just below and at the top are the main sections of the site and its pages in social networks, which, by the way, are 6. Below in the center of the screen you can find a brief preview of its main features, as well as advertising the best bonuses from bookmakers. Below is a news block and reviews of bookmakers in Kenya. At the very bottom of the site, you can see a site map and minimal information about the site. Narrow areas on the right and left of the site are occupied by advertising a bookmaker in Kenya.

The site has a convenient navigation. With the help of special buttons, you can quickly move around the site up and down.


The main focus on the site is on reviews of bookmakers and their bonuses. The reviews are quite good: almost all the most important features are highlighted, the materials are accompanied by a large number of screenshots. In addition to reviews on the site, you can find all the biggest bonuses of BC, as well as subscribe to bonus news: be aware of the appearance of new bonus offers in top bookmakers.
The section with sports news is of interest, there is a sorting by type. However, there is not much news, there are literally 2-3 news every day: the most significant events from the world of sports.

Pros and cons

Let's name the main pros and cons of the site in our opinion.


Good coverage of the bonus offers of the best bookmakers in Kenya, there is an opportunity to subscribe to bonuses.
Fairly detailed reviews of the BC.
There are contacts for contacting the site administration on various issues.
The sports news section provides good information: very high-quality photos in high resolution, highlighting important information.
Excellent site navigation, usability, drop-down menus.


There are too few sports news on the site (maximum 3-4 per day).
In addition to BC reviews, their bonuses and sports news, there is no other information on the site, which is why the circle of visitors who will be interested in it is quite narrow. In particular, there are not enough forecasts for sports, usually this section is present in such sites.


The site has a simple and convenient design, it does not look particularly modern, but it is very convenient to use. In terms of information stuffing, it is not too remarkable: all the main sections are not implemented at the highest level and need to be finalized. However, given the young age of the site (it appeared in 2018), there is reason to believe that it will still add and develop. In the meantime, the only target audience is visitors who are interested in bookmaker reviews and their bonus offers. It is better to read sports news somewhere else, because there are very few of them on the site and you can miss important events from the world of sports.

Posted by      Henry B. at 8:37 AM CDT
Tags: betting, game, money
  ryan jack  says:
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Posted on Fri, 20 Aug 2021 1:03 PM CDT by ryan j.

July 18, 2021

Bettabets bookmaker review

About the bookmaker

The office Bettabets started its activity in 2003 in South Africa. The bookmaker works only remotely â?? the BC does not have ground-based PPS. Users from about 90 countries of the world have access to the game on the Bettabets resource. The office has several licenses for gambling, including the United Kingdom, Malta, Ireland, Alderney and Curacao.

Previously, Bettabets focused on the pan-European market, but since 2016, after rebranding, it has focused on servicing South African bettors. Customer accounts were transferred to the Bettabets BC platform.

Registration, verification

To start betting in Bettabets, you need to create a personal account on the office's website. To do this, click the "Join now" button in the upper-right corner and open the dialog box with the questionnaire. At the first stage of filling in, you need to specify:

Method of treatment (gender);
First and last name;
Date of birth;
The email address.

The second step of the questionnaire involves filling in the following fields:

Country of residence;
Mobile phone number;
Residential address. The address is displayed automatically if you have specified a postal code.

At the final stage, you need to enter the following data:

Login and password of the account;
The currency of the account â?? the choice is possible between euros and pounds sterling;
The limit on the regularity and amount of deposit replenishment. This item was introduced in order to prevent the gambling addiction of the bettor â?? You can not set limits.
After clicking the "Create my account" button, you need to pass the document verification. Without this, access to bets and other features of the Bettabets resource will be closed. For the purpose of verification, you need to upload a photo of a document confirming your identity and age, for example, a passport or driver's license.

Line, Odds, Live

The number of sports that are constantly represented in the Bettabets line is more than 20. Among them there is football, hockey, tennis, as well as dog racing, cricket and horse racing, which are quite exotic for Ukrainian bettors. The width of the sports line is the bookmaker's strong point. It contains both major and minor championships and tournaments. National championships are scheduled up to 3 and even 4 divisions in strength. There are many women's and youth competitions.

Bettabets offers its users a deep painting of sports events. Top-level meetings have an average of 400-600 markets, less well â?? known competitions-about 100-200. The detail of the painting also depends on the type of sport â?? it is best represented by football matches. There are a large number of betting options for totals â?? Asian, European, whole and others. There are a lot of bets on statistics, player indicators, half-time/period results, combined bets. There are also basic bets â?? the outcome, the handicap, the exact score.

The size of the coefficients on the Bettabets resource is average. The peculiarity of the office is that the values of quotations can be painted up to hundredths and even thousandths. The size of the bookmaker's margin depends very much on the sport. For tennis, it is minimal-within 4%, but for football bets, the average margin is 7-8%%. Bettabets offers good quotes for popular disciplines in English-speaking countries,for example, rugby.

The bookmaker's live line is quite high-quality, it presents a large number of events in all sports. The painting of the bet during the game is not inferior to the pre-match mode. The fast operation of the site ensures that the competition data and coefficients are updated every second.

Bonuses and promotions

The number of shares in Bettabets BC is small. The office offers a welcome bonus for new users â?? 50% of the first deposit. At the same time, the deposit amount must exceed 15 pounds. The maximum bonus amount is 50 pounds.

The bookmaker also offers an insurance bet on a goal in the amount of 10 pounds. To do this, you need to place a bet in the amount of 10 pounds or more. The bonus will be credited to the game account if the final result of the meeting is 0:0. Other promotions are also available on the website in the Promotions section, for example, for betting on horse racing.

Pros and cons

A wide sports line and a detailed painting of the competitions
Professional support service that promptly solves the problems of players
User-friendly website, intuitive betting mechanism

Posted by      Henry B. at 10:28 AM CDT
Tags: betting, game, money
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  ehsan eskandari  says:

Posted on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 1:25 PM CST by ehsan e.

April 26, 2021

Ten Golden rules of the betting Game

1. Create an account and play in several bookmakers.

This will allow you to choose the most favorable coefficient for the event of interest and not lose money due to their difference, as well as sometimes play on betting forks. Bookmakers should be reliable, with a good rating.

2. Very carefully subscribe to paid forecasts, mailing lists.

First, your head should work and it is better to lose yourself than to blame yourself and cover the other person with dirt. Secondly, the capper can be bad, see statistics, ask for verifiers, ratings in the capper communities, etc. On our website, you can find absolutely clean statistics of our VIP forecasters at the link:

3. Remember that there are no pieces of iron, vernyakov, Great Dane and other lures for divorce.

Modern divorce is so advanced that now there is almost no way to find fault with the pseudo-capper or dogger. Such persons lure the victim with promises of millions and, having received their 2-3 thousand for the forecast from the fool, the client gets blacklisted. There are fixed matches, but not in social networks, only a few people know them, do not give samples and do not sell for $ 50.

4. You need to be very careful to bet on popular tournaments and favorites.

Often, especially in football, the odds on winning a favorite are greatly underestimated. Do not think that there are no bribes and agreements at a high level. Let's look at Juventus in the mid-2000s and its collusions with Milan, Fiorentina and Regina. Even at such a high level, everything can be decided in advance and bookmakers may well know about it and deliberately underestimate the odds in the hope that a naive player will fall for it. Many players think that the lower the coefficient for an event, the more likely it is to pass. In fact, this is not the case. Around the world, bets are placed on Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern and other giants, which significantly lowers the quotes to the level of 1.10-1.20, and this, by the way, is too small even for such strong clubs and they very often let down fans of betting on favorites.

5. There is no win-win strategy and system.

Betting is always a risk. There is no win-win system or strategy. You should always think with your own head, not give in to excitement, keep yourself in hand and do not try to recoup after a defeat. The main thing is to act according to a clear financial scheme, to put a percentage of the bank, and not to "load" the entire bank on another "sure thing".

6. Do not ignore the game of forks in bookmakers.

It is not so easy to play on forks, but there are also those people who work in this area. Yes, the exhaust from one fork can sometimes be too insignificant, but it will be a victory in any situation. Of course, there are some nuances. Bookmakers do not want to lose their profits and are struggling with fork-pickers in every possible way.

7. Never play for the last money, and even more so do not bet on borrowed money.

When you lose a large amount - it's always hard, there is depression and a wild desire to win back. Yes, you may be able to win back the next bet, and then go to the plus, but if not? What will happen then? It is better to divide your free money into 20-30 equal parts and place bets only in these parts. Over time, you will be able to calmly treat both victories and defeats.

8. Play, but don't take it back.

Never try to cover the loss amount with some significant amount of a bet on another event. Maybe you'll get lucky, but that's not for sure. If not, then you are certainly guaranteed mental suffering.

9. Study statistics, analyze upcoming matches.

Keep track of the tournaments you are betting on. Do not try to bet on everything, nothing good will come of it. Choose 1-2 tournaments that you like and understand. Subscribe to news, watch reviews, read previews, and interviews. There will be a lot of useful information in your head, and over time you will be able to develop a so-called "chuyka". However, even this should be supported by analysis.

10. Set a goal - to earn money on bets.

If you bet for the sake of interest or just for the sake of excitement, then why do it for real money? Do not make a casino out of sports betting, you can earn money here if you treat it as your "mini job". Just 1-2 hours a day to analyze and read the news will help you improve your results and finally start winning, and not just give your money to bookmakers.

Posted by      Henry B. at 10:47 AM CDT
Tags: betting, game, money

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