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Can GPS tracking be blocked?

Modern vehicles and smartphones are both equipped with GPS tracking devices. Fortunately, it is easy to disable GPS tracking on a smartphone because the option exists in its settings menu.

If you’re using an Android, go to your “Personal” category in the settings menu and choose “Location Services.” Now choose “GPS Satellites” and select “Disable.” Another thing you can do is to disable the mobile data and Wi-Fi connections on your phone. That’ll prevent any wireless signals from being transmitted to or from the phone.

As for the GPS trackers in cars, trucks, and fleets, it gets a little more complicated. There are actually laws that prohibit people from blocking the GPS trackers of their vehicles. Of course, the laws are different in various jurisdictions, so it is best to ask your local police department or law enforcement agency about the legalities of GPS blockers for vehicles.

Some GPS jammers come equipped with laser detectors as well. If a driver wants to avoid getting a speeding ticket, for instance, the laser detector will send an alert whenever a red-light camera is nearby. This will give the driver enough of a warning to slow down in order to avoid getting a speed ticket.

Blocking a GPS Tracker in a Vehicle

The short answer is “yes,” a GPS tracker in a vehicle can be blocked. You can purchase a device called a GPS Jammer (also known as a GPS blocker). The jamming device plugs into the 12V power outlet or cigarette lighter socket of your vehicle. The way it works is rather simple.

The GPS tracking technology in your vehicle receives radio signals from satellites and wireless networks. The GPS Jammer taps into the receiver of the GPS technology and prevents those radio waves from being received. Either that or the jammer will greatly distort the radio waves so that they deliver inaccurate information to the GPS server.

The government was responsible for the creation of GPS Jammers. They were used for covert operations by spies and military officers to trick their enemies. Like all military technology, the GPS Jammer eventually found its way into the civilian marketplace. As the demand for privacy increases, more civilians are purchasing GPS Jammers.

If you have a fleet of vehicles with GPS trackers in them, then GPS Jammers may be installed in each vehicle to block GPS signals. But why would you ever want to do that with your fleet? As the manager of the fleet, you’ll want to know where all your vehicles are located every second of the day.

In some cases, your fleet drivers may want to block the GPS trackers in their vehicles if they’re doing some shady things. But even if they do that, you’ll know something is wrong if you don’t pick up a GPS signal from them on your end. Although bad weather may cause a disturbance in the signal, too many signal problems could mean that your drivers are using GPS Jammers of some kind.

To ensure that jamming devices are not used, you may want to prevent your drivers from using the 12V power outlet or cigarette lighter in their vehicles. You could fasten the port with a barrier to prevent a jamming device from getting plugged into it. This would be an extreme solution if you truly thought your drivers were using jammers. Most fleet managers won’t have to worry about this.

The biggest problem is that GPS Jammers are so cheap and easy to get. You could go on eBay and purchase a GPS Jammer for $50. The best thing that you can do is warn your fleet drivers of the consequences if they’re caught using a GPS Jammer. These consequences could include getting fired from their job and possibly legal penalties as well.

Last modified 22 Jul 2020 10:36 AM by Pernai V.  
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