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Sports Bikes Under 1 Lakh

SBUL 1145

University of Colorado


Zen Peter


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Best Sports Bikes Under 1 Lakh Rupees In India. Today we are going to talk about sports bikes within a budget, Is it even possible? Sports bikes are everyone choice these days but all of us has the extensive budget to go for the middleweight and litre-class supersport bikes. So, we will try to analyze some of the best sports bikes under 1 lakh that are a good option for people who are under a budget restriction. There is also a really nice article from mototechindia on this same topic with some really good extensive research. So let us begin with the topic of best sportbikes in this price range.

So, the latest bike that has been included in this budget that could be called a sports bike is the Honda Xblade. Yes, the Honda Xblade is a new bike that has been revealed recently and it has created a lot of buzz in the market already. It is a single-cylinder bike, as it is almost impossible to build a 2-cylinder bike within this price range but still Xblade is a powerful bike. It produces a good amount of power and torque that gives it a sports bike like feel while riding. It also looks like a sports bike and it is also one of the best bikes under 1 lakhs if you are considering design and styling. ...

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Last modified 30 Jun 2020 1:56 PM by Zen P.