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Mobile Sports Betting – The Revolution

Mobile sports betting is making significant changes to the industry since usually, sports betting involved going to the bookmakers’ shop and physically placing a bet. Since sports betting mostly included betting on horse races, this meant that the bettor usually stays till the end of the race and if they win, they collect immediately.

Mobile made Betting Accessible

Mobile phones have made sports betting like online betting from available to people worldwide especially since it is becoming legal in most of the countries including the US and the UK among others. Surprisingly, Uganda is the number one country with Google search for “mobile sports betting” which clearly indicates that Ugandan people frequently bet on sports via their mobile phones. Nowadays, a person only needs an internet connection and a smartphone in order to bet on sports which have skyrocketed the number of players in the game. Regarding the United States of America, sports betting used to be illegal in most of the states but this situation is drastically changing since the US lifted their federal ban on sports betting in May 2018. Now, around 80% of their states have legal mobile sports betting.

Intimacy and friendliness

A lot of people prefer mobile betting instead of going to bookmakers because a bookmaker can be menacing and for those without experience, they prefer going mobile because it provides them not only with their own intimacy and train-of-thoughts but also with a lot of information. Every betting site has detailed explanations of how everything including odds works and they also have dedicated customer support to lead you through the process.

Future of Mobile Sports Betting

With the rapid development of technology nowadays, it is really hard to predict the direction of mobile sports betting development but it is certain that mobile betting is opening a whole world of opportunities for both players and operators. Brands have new channels of marketing available and there are a lot of tips and tricks out there given by both professionals and amateurs. YouTube features thousands to millions of videos of people giving free or paid advice on sports betting. Soon prediction apps run by AI bots analysing millions of information in milliseconds and making predictions will be available to players to help them in betting. Well, there are already such apps but they will only intensify. But still, it is the human factor as always that prevails because anything can happen in sports that the computer just can’t predict. Nor can we, but we can always try. And that is the beauty of sports betting.

Last modified 21 Jan 2020 6:47 AM by Jessica T.  
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