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What flour makes the best baking: varieties and varieties of flour?

Visit ??? for best buying options.The key to success of any dish as selected ingredients. The hostess must figure out which flour is best for baking pancakes, pies or plain bread. It is necessary to take into account the type of flour itself, as well as the method of its storage and features of use.Features of wheat flour The most popular in the kitchens of our compatriots is wheat flour. A significant part of its composition is starch. However, glutein and gliadin are worth mentioning. These are proteins, due to which the dough is quite sticky and you can create flat pizzas, beautiful pies or curly buns from it.There is one universal rule when using wheat flour, it is necessary to achieve gluten. This can be done with thorough mixing and a sufficient amount of liquid. At the chemical level, this allows you to create long elastic chains. In addition, it is absolutely necessary to give rest to the test so that there is time for the activation of a chemical reaction. Read alsoStorage issues In order to always get really good dough, you must understand how much flour to store and how. Sometimes housewives are interested in why the dough is bitter, this also happens due to storage problems. There are several basic rules that are important to follow no matter what the flour is.You should choose a dry and cool place in the kitchen. Be sure to carefully pack the product. Despite all the warnings, the shelf life is not more than 6 months. Cellophane bags cannot be used for this product. These should be special paper bags. It can also be linen bags. It is permissible to freeze flour. A similar procedure will help get rid of the eggs of the parasites that may be located inside. Do not mix old and new product. Flour is not stored next to chemicals, it very easily absorbs all odors. Temperature differences must not be allowed. In extreme cases, it is permissible to store flour in the refrigerator. In this case, it is able to be stored for 2 years.It is very important to throw out the flour immediately if black dots, parasites or an unpleasant smell and strange taste appear in it. It is impossible to fix such a product, you need to get rid of it without pity. The right choice of flour Every housewife should understand how to choose flour so that her baking is perfect. There are several basic criteria that you can focus on while still in the store.Flour must be stored in a clean, dry room, in which there are no odors. This also applies to the store. There should not be any meat or other products in the department. Be sure to consider the expiration dates specified by the manufacturer. They can not be more than 6 months. If the period is longer, then preservatives are used, which it is undesirable to consume. Already at home, you can check the flour composition. All flour in a fist is surely compressed, a crunch is heard. And after being unclenched, the mass should crumble. Flour should be slightly sweet on the palate. These are simple signs that will help determine the quality of the product and the absence of impurities in the total mass.Variety of wheat flour Depending on the recipe you are planning, you need to choose a specific grade of flour. Each of them has its own special properties.First grade. This flour contains a huge amount of shells of grain. This means that flour has an increased benefit. The color is sometimes a little grayish or yellowish. From this flour rolls, coulibiacs and pies perfectly turn out. Second grade. There are even more shells. Flour may be a little rough. Such flour is not used on its own, but together with rye it is relevant for bread. Whole grain flour exists specifically for mixes. It is added to the top or first grade so that it is more useful. Krupchatka. This is a fairly rare option. It is necessary for cooking noodles. Baking from such flour is impossible.When losing weight, it is advised to use whole grain flour, it will have more useful substances. Most importantly, the body spends a lot of energy on the digestion of such a product.Other types of product In addition to wheat, there are many different varieties of flour. They can also be actively used for baking or for cooking other dishes. Depending on the choice of a particular type, you can get original and delicious recipes.Corn can be a part of baking, a delicate aromatic taste of the dough is obtained. Actively prepared cakes and bread from a similar product. Rice is great for making Chinese noodles. It is made from rice grains. Soy flour is relevant for making bread. Products do not stale for a long time and have an excellent crust. Oatmeal is ideal for baking with a diet. Flaxseed is actively used to cleanse the body when losing weight and just for healing. Buckwheat is ideal for proper nutrition. It has a nutty smell that allows you to create amazingly fragrant pastries. You can safely mix different types of flour with each other to get tasty and healthy pastries at the same time.Features of use When using different flours, it is important to understand that premium wheat rises best. This means that it is ideal for rolls, cakes and other sweet pastries. Unfortunately, in such flour there are very few useful substances.In order to improve the nutritional qualities of this product, it is necessary to add whole-grain varieties to the flour or corn, buckwheat and other flour. There is one secret during use. Thanks to the sifting of flour, you can get rid of large particles, as well as achieve maximum airiness. That is why the dough rises well and will be quite porous.It is impossible to find a consensus on which flour is best for baking. It is important to understand the characteristics of each variety, to properly store and use this product. With such knowledge, the hostess will get the perfect baking, whether it is lush cakes or Mexican cakes.Visit ??? for best buying options.

Last modified 5 Jan 2020 8:07 AM by Tom B.  
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