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IGNOU Grade Card 2019 - The Indira Gandhi National Open University publihes the complete result of any student's programme in the form of online marks card. It is known as IGNOU Grade Card.It contains the marks obtained by students in Term End Theory examination (TEE), Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA), Term End Practicals (TEP) and Project Work if any.

Students can check their IGNOU grade card result online at university official website at The grade card can be checked online by entering 9 digit enrollment number and selecting the programme.

Recently, IGNOU result June 2019 has been published online.Alongwith theory marks, the resut on IGNOU Grade card 2019 has been also updated online.Students can calculate their percentage of marks by knowing their final marks through grade card.

The university has started updating the student's grade card from August 14, 2019. This process of grade card updation will goes on till result of each and every student will be published. It may take one month to two months. ignou study material

It should be also noticed that the university has issued IGNOU 2019 grade card for only those students who have appeared in the recently conducted June 2019 term end examinations. The grade card of IGNOU 2019 has been issued for all types of programmes such as Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Diploma, PG Diploma, Certificate, etc.

The IGNOU grade card contains all the important information about student's performance in the Term End Examination, assignments or projects. If the status of any course is showing "Completed" in the grade card, it means the course is "pass". If the status is showing "Not Completed", then the course is "fail".

Since the grade card contains final results, therefore, it becomes extremely important for students to take its print out and keep it for future references.

Also, students should know the difference between, Ignou result and IGNOU Grade card. The result marks card shows only term end theory marks. On the otherside, grade card shows complete course details liked TEE marks, Assignment marks, practical marks.

Last modified 27 Aug 2019 6:04 PM by r p.  
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