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Best Electric Train Set Reviews & Buyer`s Guide

SOCI 1737

University of Leeds


Janet BRoberts


Highlights of this Course

Scale and Gauge


Most commonly question you will be asked when wanting to purchase an electric train set is what model scale size do you prefer? The short answer if you are a beginner is 'what are the options'?

Model trains are usually referred to in the following scale sizes.

G scale (1:22.5) - sometimes referred to the 'garden' variety train. This is the largest in the scale range and ideal to be set up outdoors in the garden. Due to its more extensive features, it is also great for children.

O scale (1:48) - still a more significant size train and famous by the Lionel brand

HO Scale (1:87) - trendy size amongst hobbyists

N Scale (1:160) - once again, this smaller size scale is very popular with a wide range of accessories and environments, N and HO scale is widely used in hobby train community.

Z scale (1:220) - the smallest scale size

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Last modified 31 Jul 2019 8:54 AM by Janet B.  
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