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Diets come and go, often appearing in newspaper headlines one day only to be never heard of again. Look no further than the most recent diet and weight loss news. First, we had the Atkins low-carb diet, then the Zone Diet and the South Beach Diet. There are diets based on geographical regions (The Mediterranean Diet) and diets based on gimmicky products (The Green Tea Diet). Which leaves individuals wondering, what's next?In this health and fitness article, I'll introduce you to a diet that has stood the test of time. This diet has been around for decades and, unlike many fad diets, has been backed by decades of scientific weight loss research. In fact, this diet is so sound and trustworthy that it is backed by the United States federal government. If you are looking for a great cookbook, visit

That's right: It's time to turn back to the Food Pyramid Diet. Recently rebranded My Pyramid, this weight loss guide "is a sensible guidebook to good eating" (source) and helps you focus "on eating right and losing weight gradually" by showing "that most Americans introduce to [sic] much fat into their daily lives" (source).

How to Lose Weight Using the US Government's Food Pyramid Diet Guide:

To know the importance of diet in our health, let us first know the meaning of what is good health. According to experts, good health is "a state of being vigorous and free from bodily or mental diseases" (source).

Upon knowing what good health is, let us now know the importance of diet and its importance to good health.

A right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals so with water will reduce the risk of some diseases. This is what we can benefit out a healthy diet.

The United States' Department of Health says, "If you want to have a healthy diet you should consider following the food pyramid. This food pyramid is not a precise formula but a basic guide that will help you in your goal of having a healthy diet plan" (source). And that's where the food pyramid comes in.

You know for sure that the tip of the pyramid is the smaller part, as well as the center of the pyramid, is smaller than the base part. This would mean 3 food groups the base part is a food group, the center is another food group and the tip is of another food group. The bigger the space in the pyramid would mean a larger amount of food you need to consume.

The base which is the bigger space would mean you will eat more of the kind of food in this food group. The following are part of this food group: grains, bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. When you buy some of these in the market be sure to consider the calorie content, etc. some of the products sold in the markets are less in nutritional value but high in calorie and sodium content. Always be a wise buyer.

The center or the second food group is for fruits and vegetables. This is where you can get most of the vitamins and minerals that you need. Much to the knowledge of everyone, vegetables and fruits are good for snacks. Instead of giving your son or daughter junk foods as snacks give them fruits and vegetables. The best way of eating vegetables is by eating it raw, just wash it properly.

The tip or the last food group is the dairy group. Milk, butter, or all dairy products are included here. This would mean that you don't need to consume a large amount from this food group. It might be pleasing to the eyes and watering for the mouth (like ice cream) but it is not good for your body if eaten in large amounts.

When you diet it doesn't mean you will skip meals in fact is eating a variety of food but in the proper way. Enjoy a healthy diet and enjoy your life!

Last modified 25 Jul 2019 8:52 AM by Naomi W.  
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