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The Modern Rules of Christian Education

MRCE 1488

Ohio State University


Murphy Brown


Course Description

When it comes to education, there are always rules that are involved. Ways to behave in the classroom and what can be taught. Just recently one of the greatest pieces of America literature was removed off shelves and from class curriculum because it made people uncomfortable. This book has been read by students in high school for decades, but just like that it cannot be taught at certain schools anymore. With that being said, there is modernity to the way that teachers hold their Christian school classes. In this article we are going to discuss the modern rules of Christian home education.


Discipline used to be a major component of Christian education. If you have grandparents who attended Christian schools then you might be familiar with the physical ways in which they would discipline their students. Nowadays, of course, things have changed significantly. A nun used to be able to bend you over in front of the entire class and spank you with a paddle. That practice is long gone. At the Christian school I went to there were stories about a certain teacher who would launch staplers at students who were misbehaving. Now, he just makes them go to detention where they are forced to do several hours of manual labor on their weekend. No one wants to dig holes while they are supposed to be enjoying their Saturday afternoon.


Back in the day, sports used to be something that was optional. The school did not invest too much time or effort into making sure that students were on the football field or on the baseball diamond. Academics were the end all to be all and as long as your grades were high then you were doing the right thing. But times have changed and Christian schools are adjusting to these times. They now know that colleges are looking for more than just a student who is going to have straight A’s. These schools want to know that you can score touchdowns, win a debate and still get good grades in class. Because of this some Christian schools now require that you participate in a sport during each season. This way their students are far more well-rounded.

Art, Music, Film

Not only is it important to strap on the pads and play a sport. But it is also important to get involved in other things such as drama, art and music. My alma mater just invested millions of dollars in an arts center that will make sure that students have access to the absolute best. Film and television are also more popular than ever and Christian’s want to make sure that they are accurately portrayed on the big screen. So now Christian schools offer film and television classes where students can learn about film studies and production. This is so important to not only the development of the student but also the advancement of Christian schools. These schools try to do everything within their power to make sure the students are getting the very best. The modern rules of Christian education are to keep their students in the loop so that they can make a lasting impact on this planet.


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Last modified 24 Jul 2019 1:36 AM by Murphy B.  
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