
Old Testament Survey (3 credits)

Course Description

This course is a survey of the history, literature, and teachings of the Old Testament. The course will consist of reading and studying the whole Old Testament, with additional readings from the textbook and other library and other resources. It will be important for the student to keep up with all reading and written assignments.


The Old Testament Speaks - by Samuel J. Schultz (Harper & Row Publisher new $ 28.95 / used $ 11.40)

The Bible

Course Requirements

  • Read carefully the entire text and answer questions at the end of each chapter assigned.
  • Listen to lectures and take notes.
  • Submit papers as assignment are given.
  • All written assignments are to be typed and double- spaced.

Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon Quizzes 20% + Essays & Class Assignments 30% + Mid-Term & Final Exams 50%

Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale:

94% - 100% A


87% - 90% B


83% - 86% B


70% - 79% C


60% - 69% D


Below 60% points F
Last modified 29 Mar 2012 3:48 PM by Kenneth B.