The Pentateuch (3)credit hrs.
During this course students will journey through an in-depth study of the Law Books (1st five books of the Bible) known as the Torah.
Listen to the Lectures and take notes.Read all assigned chapters in the textbook and Bible Students prepare for quizzes at the end of assigned chapters.Students prepare for Mid-term and Final exams.Any written assignment must be typed and double-spaced.
Handbook on the Pentateuch -by Victor P. Hamilton
Students will receive a hard copy of syllabus emailed to them
Your final grade in the course is based upon Assignment, quizzes and mid-term 50% + Group participation when assigned 20% (online & classroom) + Final Exam 30%
Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:
Grading Scale:
90% -
100% of total points
80% -
89% of total points
70% -
79% of total points
67% -
69% of total points
60% of total points