Systematic Theology 1

TH 104 (3 credits)

SAMUEL School of the Prophets Bible Institute

Professor: Dr. Kenneth Bowling, D.Min.


Highlights of this Course

Students Will:

1. Define Theology

2. Give five reasons why Systematic Theology is necessary

3. Give the two sources of Theology

4. Explain Pantheism, Monotheism, and Skepticism

5. You should be able to explain the Sovereignty of God

6. Define the Mercy of God

7. Define the Grace of God

8. Define the Love of God

9. Define the Holiness of God

Course Description

This course begins by considering how man comes to know God and continues to explore the revelation of God to man through Scripture, the works of God, man and his sin, salvation, and the end things. Based on the definitions studied in Bible Doctrine, the relationship of doctrines to each other is treated here. The doctrines are studied to show how one doctrine gives rise to another.

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Last modified 29 Mar 2012 1:45 PM by Kenneth B.