

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Use electronic mail
  • Use search engines
  • Write a web page
  • Use the web to do research for coursework


The required text for this course is : New Perspectives on the Internet Comprehensive, 8th edition, 2010, Schneider & Evans /Course Technology, ISBN-13:978- 0-538-74495-9


1. Attendance/Participation: Students are expected to attend classes and be prepared to participate in the discussion. Students will earn a maximum of 7 points each week, for a maximum of 100 points, based on their level of preparedness and participation.

2. Weekly Assignments:

READING: Chapter reading assignments will be an integral part of each student's assigned weekly work activity. Assigned chapter(s) will be covered weekly as depicted in the Course Schedule.

REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS: The weekly review assignment can be found at the end of each tutorial.

CASE PROBLEMS: Case problems, labs, or tutorial projects will be assigned at the end of each tutorial.

Assignments are expected to be turned in by the due date listed on the syllabus. If an assignment is submitted late a minimum of ten percentage points may be deducted from your grade.

3. Tests: Four Unit Testswill be given this semester. Each test must be taken during the week assigned (week 5, week 8, week 11, and week 14). The Final Test will be given in week 15. Tests will consist of fifty questions covering the material in the chapters assigned. Tests will consist of Multiple-Choice and True-False questions. Each test is worth 100 points.

  • Bad News: No make-up examinations will be given during the semester. Students not completing an examination when scheduled will receive a score of zero on the examination in question.
  • Good News: Your lowest test score will be dropped from your final average.

Final Grades

Final Grading

  1. Tests: 400 points (100 points each)
  2. Case Problems & Assignments: 440 points (22 points each)
  3. Web Page Project: 60 points
  4. Participation: 100 points
  • Total: 1000 points

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned. Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale: 90% - 100% of total points A
80% - 89% of total points B
70% - 79% of total points C
60% - 79% of total points D

Below 60% of total points F
Last modified 21 Feb 2012 2:14 PM by Gena C.