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NUM 1060

Bronston University College


Ruth Tombe


Highlights of this Course

Enter course hightlights here.This is a 12 week course, consisting of 11 units. The course will be taught over a 3 hour session once a week.To receive credit for this course, you must submit the assignments and obtain a mark of at least 60 percent, obtain a grade of at least 55 percent on the final examination, and obtain a course composite grade of at least "C" (60 percent).Attendance, Assignments/Quizzes, A Mid-term Exam, and A Final Exam will all contribute to your final grade as follows:

Attendance: 10%

Assignments/Quizzes: 15%

Mid-term Exam: 30%

Final Exam: 45%

Total: 100%

Course Description

Enter course description here.The course provides the scientific fundamentals of the current understanding of nutrition. The course discusses the characteristics of the major nutrients and their metabolism- carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals- and describes their dietary roles. Also addressed are the topics of energy balance and the evaluation of nutritional status. Students will use various resources, including a computer program, to evaluate their own diets. Students will learn dietary standards in Canada and Ghana and guidelines used in nutrition care. Application of these guidelines will be practiced in placement settings.

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Last modified 23 Nov 2011 12:40 PM by Bronston H.  
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