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Course Goals

Define terms and operating systems components of a microcomputer system and the Internet.Demonstrate proper use of input and output devices.Store, transfer, retrieve, and print data.Match tasks to hardware and software (bit mapped and object-oriented graphics, desktop publishing, presentation graphics, business applications, communications, multimedia, and budgeting).



Exploring Microsoft Office 2007 Volume 1, Third Edition. Grauer, R.T. ISBN # 978-0-13-506250-0


Course Work

Late homework and assignments will not be accepted.

Communication will be conducted via email and the class Web site. Assignments will be submitted via class Web site. Assignment should be named as such: StudentLastName_AssignmentX

Assignments Homework is due during the week specified (No late work will be accepted). For example, if the homework is listed under week 2, it is due in week 2. Name each assignment with your last name and the week number. As an illustration, if I submitted the first assignment, it would be named Irwin_Week3 If submitting multiple files, they would be named Irwin_Week3a, Irwin_Week3b, etc.


Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.??Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale: 97% - 100% of total points A+
94% - 96% of total points A
90% - 93% of total points A-
87% - 89% of total points B+
84% - 86% of total points B
80% - 83% of total points B-
77% - 79% of total points C+
70% - 76% of total points C
67% - 69% of total points D+
60% - 66% of total points D
Below 60% of total points F
 Copyright © 2007-2016 Germaine Irwin. All rights reserved.