Module 4 & Research paper

Module Four

The objectives for week three are as follows:

1) Learn how DNA extraction is performed

2) Learn how DNA quantitation is performed

3) Learn how DNA amplification is performed

4) Learn how Electrophoresis is performed

5) Complete Research Paper


  • The first step in DNA analysis is the extraction of DNA from the sample.

Please complete the virtual lab for this process at ???

  • The second step in the DNA analysis process is the the quantitation of the DNA extracted in step one. (this step is optional but recommended especially in forensic cases)

Please read about how DNA quantitation is done at ???

  • The third step (or second step if you skip the quantitation step) is the amplification of the extracted DNA using a machine called PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or thermocycler.

Please complete the virtual lab for DNA amplification at ???

  • The fourth step is electrophoresis which must be done obtain results that can be read by the DNA analyst.

Please complete the electrophoresis virtual lab at ???

  • After completing the virtual labs summarize the whole process in your own words and make a flow chart to accompany your summary.

Required Reading:

Saferstein: Chaper 13

Butler: p. 313-323, 345-360, 154-169, 373-386

Assessment for week three

Excellent 90%-100%

Adequate 70%-89%

Insufficient 0%-69%


12.5 possible points

Excellent: Attended and participated in chat lecture.

Adequate: Attended chat lecture with minimal participation.

Insufficient: Attended lecture with no participation or did not attend lecture at all.

Week Assignments:

50 Possible Points

Excellent: Answered all questions thoroughly with no grammatical errors.


  • Some questions answered and some not.
  • All questions answered but not fully.
  • Grammatical errors present.


  • Not enough questions answered.
  • Questions do not have a satisfactory answer.
  • Many Grammatical errors present.
  • No questions answered at all.

Research Paper

100 possible points

Excellent: Paper is written in correct APA format with all parts present and no grammatical errors.


  • Minor errors is APA format.
  • Minor grammatical errors present.


  • Proper APA format not followed.
  • Many grammatical errors present.

Please Proceed to the next page for Research paper instructions