Syllabus |
![]() Course Description : Study of biblical praise and worship. This course breaks down the focus and purpose of praise and worship as it relates to contemporary and traditional forms of worship services. We will study praise and worship of God throughout the Old Testament and we will define what praise and worship is and is not. Emphases are on the musical aspects of praise and worship, instrumentation, defining true worship and praise, and discussion of form and liturgy. Course Objectives: Textbook : Course Work : This course revolves around a series of 10 weeks. We will cover a total of 10 weeks -- each of which is followed by in-class exercises to enhance your level of understanding. Final Grades : Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.??Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale: The quiz will consist of 20 questions, multiple choice, short answer or combination of both each worth 5pts. Mid Semester Exam. After the first 5 weeks of class, there will be a comprehensive review followed by an exam given. The exam will consist of 50 questions extracted from the 5 previous quizzes. Internet Students Attendance Guidelines : Students who are taking the course online are required to turn in quizzes and projects by midnight of the due date. Students who do not complete and submit work as outlined in the course syllabus on time, it will count as same as an absence. It is vital that you complete and submit all course work in the time allotted in order to earn your credit. All Students If you have been absent under the predetermined guidelines of acceptable absences; then you will be allowed to make up your work. But please realize that excessive absences whether unexcused or excused will greatly affect your ability to complete this class successfully. Please make every attempt to attend class or complete online assignments as they are assigned |