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Course Goals

There are three primary goals for this course:

  • First goal -- to develop an understanding of a formal methodology to develop a new business concept
  • Second goal -- to integrate concepts learned in courses such as finance, accounting and micro-economics into one's thinking about developing a new business concept
  • Third goal -- to evaluate ones abilities to succeed as an entrepreneur



The required textbooks for this course are:1. Competition and Entrepreneurship by Israel Kirzner2. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors by Michael E. Porter ...

Course Work


Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned.??Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale: 97% - 100% of total points A+
94% - 96% of total points A
90% - 93% of total points A-
87% - 89% of total points B+
84% - 86% of total points B
80% - 83% of total points B-
77% - 79% of total points C+
70% - 76% of total points C
67% - 69% of total points D+
60% - 66% of total points D
Below 60% of total points F
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